"GO MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS!" (Matthew 28:19-2013 WYD Theme)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 4

Hello from Rio!!! I'm Bethany Gilchrist, professional World Youth Day Pilgrim and first time blogger. We had a wonderful and very rainy day today in Rio. We woke up at 5:00 am to tour Corcovado, and despite the rain it was absolutely beautiful! If anything, the rain and the wind only made great memories, and God's grace was definitely among the many pilgrims at the statue. At the base of the statue we were videotaped by a local news station with our American flag talking about how blessed we are to have this experience, and with God's perfect timing we caught it on TV at the restraunt where we had lunch! We met some very musical Perisians on the train ride down the mountain which was a great chance to celebrate through song (and I for one had tons of fun brushing up on my French speaking skills). After Corcovado we had some lunch and then went to Copacobana for mass and the opening ceremonies. We didn't end up staying for too long though, because although we tried to tough it out, the sideways rain soaked us to the bone so we went back to our hotel for some R&R&DO (Rest, Relaxation, and Drying Off). We had a minor setback today when Ben and Fr. Daniel traveled 50 miles to try to get our Pilgrim backpacks, only to find that they ran out! Have no fear! We are going to try to get them tomorrow and see what we can do until then! Pilgrimage is all about making sacrifices, right!? Thankfully, everyone has been very flexible and understanding during the Great Backpack Fiasco of 2013. We send our love and prayers! Love you and miss you! Ciao!

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